Expert Q+A: Smart Home Solutions

We sat down with Minut, NoiseAware, and PointCentral to discuss how smart home solutions can improve efficiency, cost savings, safety, and guest trust. The panel also talks about regulatory benefits, and the ability to charge guests more for your property. Monitoring smoking marijuana or vaping is also a hot topic and one area where new […]
Expert Q+A: Revenue Management Systems

We chatted with Vacation Rental Industry Experts at Beyond Pricing, Perfect Price and Wheelhouse to discuss revenue management systems. 03:45 Technology Needs & Human Deployment20:30 System Capabilities & Levers31:45 RMS + PMS + Merchandising + Marketing48:15 Q&A and Closing We dive deep on what an RMS can do for you and how to translate your […]
Expert Q+A: Pricing + Revenue Management

Both Anurag and Neal have extensive backgrounds in airline revenue management and have been working to provide revenue management, pricing technology for the short-term rental segment. We had a chance to sit down with them and chat about basic concepts, technology solutions, and strategies. The Vacation Rental Experts: Quibble Neal Cyr, Co-founder PriceLabs Anurag […]
ASTRHO Virtual Launch Event

Watch our official live, virtual launch event where the founders of the Association for Short-Term Rental homeowners shared our big purpose and what we are bringing to the Short-Term Rental Community. We also introduced some of our very first Short-Term Rental Homeowner Members as well as industry leaders and partners. Thank you to everyone who […]